Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Squamish Nation Conditionally Approves Woodfibre LNG Terminal

The Globe and Mail reports that the Squamish Nation Council has voted to grant an environmental certificate for the proposed Woodfibre LNG liquefaction and export terminal near Squamish, British Columbia (B.C.), conditioned upon Woodfibre LNG complying with all the conditions imposed by the Squamish Nation.  According to the article, the Squamish Nation was primarily concerned with the...

Petronas Reaffirms Commitment to Build LNG Export Terminal

The Globe and Mail reports that Petronas executive vice-president Wee Yiaw Hin reaffirmed Petronas’ commitment to build a 11.4 billion export terminal on Lelu Island in British Columbia. Petronas issued a statement yesterday that it “would like to reaffirm its commitment to deliver long-term LNG supply to its customers through the Pacific NorthWest LNG project in [British Columbia,]...

B.C. Official Refutes Report of Petronas’ Delay on LNG Export Terminal

CBC News reports that British Columbia Minister of Natural Gas Development Rich Coleman has refuted a Malaysian press report which stated that Malaysian state oil company Petronas, primary sponsor of the proposed Pacific Northwest LNG export terminal near Prince Rupert, B.C.,  was considering delaying the project for up to nine years due to economic conditions.  According to the CBC...

Steelhead LNG Granted Canadian Export Licenses

Steelhead LNG announced that the Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) has approved Steelhead LNG’s applications for five licenses to export a total of 30 million tonnes of LNG/year for 25 years from its two proposed LNG projects on Vancouver Island. The NEB decision is subject to approval of the Governor in Council.  According to the press release, “[o]ne license to export up to 6...

Crowley Unit Granted LNG Import Authority

Crowley Petroleum Distribution, Alaska LLC was granted authority by the U.S. Department of Energy to import up to 2.12 Bcf of LNG into the United States from Canada over a two-year period.    ...

Repsol Unit Receives Authority to Export LNG from Canaport Terminal

The Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) has granted St. John LNG Development, an affiliate of Spanish energy company Repsol, authority to import up to 272 Bcf of natural gas per year through the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline from the United States.  The NEB also granted St. John LNG Development authority to export up to 6 million metric tons of LNG from its proposed liquefaction...

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