Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Europe Now the Top Buyer of U.S. LNG

Reuters reports that due to higher prices paid for U.S. LNG supplies, Europe is now the top buyer of U.S. LNG as reflected in “a near fivefold spike in U.S. LNG sales” to Europe, passing South Korea and Mexico as the top market. Prices for U.S. LNG in Asia recently “fell sharply on lower-than-expected demand.” The article states that the “United States is currently second only to...

FERC Vacates Aguirre Offshore GasPort Authorization

FERC has issued an order granting Aguirre Offshore GasPort, LLC’s (Aguirre) request that FERC vacate its 2015 order authorizing the construction and operation of LNG import terminal facilities along the southern shore of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico near the municipality of Salinas. In its request to vacate, Aguirre stated that it no longer intends to proceed with the project, that...

FERC Releases Final EIS for Driftwood LNG

Reuters reports that FERC staff has released a final environmental impact statement (EIS) for Tellurian’s proposed Driftwood LNG export terminal and interconnected pipeline in Evangeline, Acadia, Jefferson Davis, and Calcasieu Parishes, La. In the Final EIS, FERC staff concluded that the Driftwood LNG project “would result in adverse impacts on the environment; however, impacts on the...

DOE Releases U.S. LNG Export Data Through November 2018

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released data on exports of U.S.-produced LNG covering the period February 2016 through November 2018.  The data show that the top four recipients of U.S. LNG, comprising 58.4% of the total, are (1) South Korea, (2) Mexico, (3) China, and (4) Japan....

LNG Canada to Pursue Project Despite Protests Against Feeder Pipeline

Andy Calitz, CEO of LNG Canada, released a statement saying that “[d]espite opposition Coastal GasLink is currently facing, LNG Canada has every intention to continue to advance our project and maintain our construction schedule to deliver jobs and economic benefits to First Nations, local residents and British Columbians.”  Coastal GasLink is the proposed pipeline that would provide...

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