Panama Canal Authority Issues RFP to Study Feasibility of LNG Facilities on Panama Canal Property

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency is sponsoring a grant to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) for the development of a Feasibility Study to assess and plan the development of “LNG-related infrastructure to capitalize on the projected increase in LNG tanker traffic resulting from the expansion of the Panama Canal.”  The ACP is soliciting U.S. firms for offers to prepare the Feasibility Study, “with specific recommendations to: (i) develop a comprehensive strategy for the development of LNG facilities on canal property; (ii) define effective policies, standards, and procedures to guide and support the Grantee’s LNG development program; (iii) evaluate new services and applications derived from the increased availability of natural gas supplies in Panama; and (iv) provide an implementation plan, including project schedules, budgets, and equipment recommendations.”


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