FERC Issues DEIS for Cheniere’s Creole Trail LNG Terminal

Today FERC issued the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Cheniere’s proposed Creole Trail LNG terminal in Louisiana. The terminal will have an average sendout of 3.3 Bcf/day, which would make it the largest regasification facility in the U.S. FERC Staff has concluded that with appropriate mitigation measures, the proposed facility will have limited adverse environmental impacts. Of particular note, FERC states that Creole Trail is commissioning a hurricane effects study as a result of Hurricane Rita, and recommends that “Creole Trail re-evaluate the potential for damage to the LNG terminal and jetty from wind, storm surge, flooding, and wave action based on the results of the hurricane effects study and file a report with the Commission prior to the issuance of the final EIS.” A press release from FERC on the DEIS is available here.

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