DOE Approves Eagle Maxville LNG Exports
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued an order authorizing Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC (Eagle Maxville) to export over 20 years up to 2.8 Bcf/year (0.01 Bcf/day) of LNG to nations with and without a Free Trade Agreement with the United States. Eagle Maxville is authorized to export domestically produced LNG in ISO containers loaded at its Maxville Facility in Jacksonville, Fla. After loading, the ISO containers will be transported by truck and loaded onto container ships or roll-on/roll-off oceangoing carriers for export at the nearby Port of Jacksonville or other ports capable of handling ISO containers without modification. Eagle Maxville states that its facility primarily will produce LNG for use as marine fuel for domestic markets, but Eagle Maxville may export any remaining LNG production to markets in the Caribbean Basin and elsewhere in the region.