FERC Releases Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Oregon LNG Project
Today, FERC Staff released its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Oregon LNG import/export terminal at Warrenton, Ore. and interconnected pipelines. The DEIS concludes that construction and operation of the Oregon LNG Project and pipelines would result in some adverse environmental impacts but most of these impacts would be temporary or short-term during construction and operation. Most of the adverse long-term and potentially permanent environmental impacts would be reduced to less than significant levels if the projects are constructed and operated in accordance with the mitigating measures discussed in the DEIS. The DEIS recommends that FERC’s mitigation measures be attached as conditions to any authorization issued by FERC. Public comments on the DEIS are due by October 6, 2015. The DEIS can be accessed on eLibrary by searching Docket No. CP13-507.