Alaska LNG Project Sponsors Request Permission to Begin FERC’s Pre-filing Process
The sponsors of the Alaska LNG Project, ExxonMobil Alaska LNG LLC, ConocoPhillips Alaska LNG Company, BP Alaska LNG LLC, TransCanada Alaska Midstream LP, and the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, filed a request with FERC to begin the pre-filing environmental review process for their proposed LNG export terminal and related facilities near Nikiski in south central Alaska and an interconnected pipeline. The project includes an 800-mile pipeline to access North Slope gas supplies and three liquefaction trains to produce a combined total of 20 million metric tonnes per annum of LNG. The sponsors anticipate filing a formal application with FERC in September 2016 and project an in-service date for the facilities of 2024-2025. The pre-filing request can be found here.