Alaska LNG Project Files DOE Export Application
On Friday, Alaska LNG Project LLC (Applicants) filed an application with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requesting long-term authorization to export 20 million metric tons per annum of LNG (approximately 929 Bcf/annum) from a proposed liquefaction facility in the Nikiski area of the Kenai Peninsula in south central Alaska. The Applicants, comprising ExxonMobil Alaska LNG LLC, BP Alaska LNG LLC, and ConocoPhillips Alaska LNG Company, request authority to export, on behalf of themselves and others, Alaska-sourced LNG over a 30-year period to countries with and without a Free Trade Agreement with the United States. The Applicants request that, due to the geographic isolation of their project from others proposed in the lower-48 states, its application not be subject to DOE’s Order of Precedence or any new procedures DOE implements regarding review of LNG export applications.