Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Study Finds Small Businesses Will Benefit from U.S. LNG Exports

A new study released by the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council found that small U.S. businesses in the energy sector experienced job growth in recent years due to increased oil and gas production, and that increased LNG exports will continue to expand job growth for such companies. Read more in the press...

Articles Predict Obama Will Support Increased LNG Exports

Articles in the Financial Times [subscription required] and Reuters report that President Obama will likely support increased exports of U.S. LNG supplies. The articles cite statements made by the President during a tour of Central America that the United States would likely be a net gas exporter within the coming years and that Central America could benefit from U.S. gas...

Hawaii Gas Withdraws LNG Application

Pacific Business News reports that Hawaii Gas has withdrawn its application to the Hawaii Public Service Commission for authority to utilize LNG shipped from the continental U.S. in its gas distribution system. The article states that Hawaii Gas will submit a new application after it has entered into longer-term LNG supply...

Excelerate’s Lavaca Bay Facility to Cost $2.4 Billion

Globe Newswire reports that, according to Excelerate Energy’s front-end engineering and design (FEED) study, Excelerate’s Lavaca Bay LNG export facility will cost $2.4 billion dollars, which equates to a price of $540.00 per tonne of LNG produced. Phase I of the LNG facility will produce 4.4 million tonnes/year from a floating liquefaction, storage and off-loading unit to...

Sabine Pass Requests FERC Authority to Install Equipment for Trains 1 and 2

Sabine Pass LNG (Sabine Pass) filed a request for FERC authority to commence installation of all equipment for Stage 1 of its LNG export project, including Train 1, Train 2, and common areas. Sabine Pass stated that it will request authority to install LNG storage tank, in-tank pumps and hazard detection and control equipment separately once the final design is complete. Sabine...

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