Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Analysis: Japan’s Effort to Import U.S. LNG Faces Obstacles

An analysis carried in The Wall Street Journal argues that there are several obstacles that could prevent Japan from becoming a major importer of U.S. natural gas as LNG, including U.S. domestic law, competition with countries with which the United States already has a free trade agreement, and the relatively small amount of U.S. natural gas that could be available for...

Industry Analyst Notes Challenges Facing Potential U.S. LNG Export Projects

Leonard Crook, a vice president with ICF International, told World Gas Intelligence [subscription required] that the U.S. LNG export projects face a number of challenges. One challenge Crook highlighted is the U.S. Department of Energy’s authority to revoke an LNG export permit as an obstacle to project financing liquefaction...

FERC Approves Use of Pre-Filing Process for Jordan Cove LNG Liquefaction Project

FERC has approved Jordan Cove Energy Project, L.P.’s use of the Commission’s pre-filing process for the company’s planned LNG liquefaction and export project, noting that the company will file its application with FERC no later than October 2012. FERC also selected third-party contractor, Tetra Tech EC Inc., to work with Commission staff to evaluate the project....

Apache CEO Expects LNG Purchase Contract for Kitimat LNG This Year

Speaking yesterday in Houston, Apache Corp. CEO G. Steven Farris said that he expects a major gas player in Asia will conclude an LNG purchase contract for supplies from the planned Kitimat LNG export facility this year. Fox Business provides additional...

FERC Offers Comments on Freeport LNG Liquefaction Project Resource Reports

Yesterday, FERC issued its comments on Resource Reports 11 and 13 submitted to the Commission by Freeport LNG for its planned LNG liquefaction and export project. The filing is available in FERC’s eLibrary under Docket No....

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