Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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The American Chemistry Council and Sierra Club Team Up to Oppose Gas Exports

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the American Chemistry Council and the Sierra Club each have voiced opposition to increased U.S. gas exports, citing negative effects on the domestic economy and the environment. The article quoted Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune as stating “We don’t often have joint Christmas parties with these folks, but on this...

Excelerate CEO Says Company Exploring U.S. LNG Export Project

Excelerate Energy CEO Rob Bryngelson said yesterday that his company is considering installing a floating LNG liquefaction and export vessel in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Platts LNG Daily provides coverage of his remarks and other statements at the CERAWeek conference in Houston. [Subscription...

European LNG Headlines

Italy Pledges Investigation After BG Gives Up on LNG Project Tied Up in Red Tape for 11 Years (Telegraph)

DOE Official Says LNG Export Study “Months” from Completion

Daniel Poneman, deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), told CNBC.com that he expects the planned study of the likely impact of LNG exports on the U.S. economy is “months” away from...

Broadwater LNG Requests FERC to Vacate Previous Authorization for Regasification Facility

In a letter dated yesterday, Broadwater Pipeline LLC informed FERC that the company has decided not to construct its planned LNG import and regasification project and asked that the Commission vacate its previous authorization for the project. The letter is available in FERC’s eLibrary under Docket No....

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