Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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European LNG Headlines

Linde, Statoil Say Joint Arctic LNG Plant Exceeding Performance Expectations (Hydrocarbons Processing) Estonia’s Elering, Muuga Port Operator to Study New LNG Terminal (BusinessWeek) BG Group Hopeful on Long-Planned Brindisi LNG Terminal in Italy...

Analysis: Domestic Shale Gas Could Lead to U.S. LNG Exports

An in-depth analysis carried by MarketWatch suggests that growing production of domestic shale natural gas could lead to U.S. LNG exports. The piece also compares efforts of Cheniere Energy, Dominion Resources, and ExxonMobil to develop U.S. LNG export...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Issues Draft EA for Gas Pipeline Associated with Puerto Rico’s LNG Import Terminal

Earlier this week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) that analyzes the potential environmental impacts of the Via Verde gas pipeline project. The Via Verde pipeline is designed to transport gas from the EcoElectrica LNG regasification terminal to Puerto Rico’s capital city, San Juan. The Washington Post provides additional...

European LNG Headlines

European Investment Bank Grants Loan for Italy’s Planned OLT LNG Terminal (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription required]

European LNG Headlines

Bureaucratic Delay Threatens Shannon LNG Project (Kerryman)

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