Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Analyst: United States Could Compete with Australia as Major LNG Exporter

An analyst with Wood Mackenzie said this week that the United States could develop up to 20 million tons of annual LNG export capacity by 2018, which could compete with Australia for marketshare in the global LNG sector. Find further details in the Wall Street...

Oregon Requests FERC Set Aside Order Authorizing Jordan Cove LNG Project

Late last week, the State of Oregon submitted a Motion to Reopen the Record and Request to Set Aside Order in the Jordan Cove LNG import project proceeding. In its filing, Oregon argues that the core circumstances underpinning the previous authorization for the Jordan Cove LNG project have changed, citing changes in the region’s natural gas market. The filing goes on to request...

FERC Sets Informal Settlement Conference in Cove Point LNG Proceeding

FERC has scheduled an informal settlement conference for December 7, 2011, in the ongoing Cove Point LNG tariff proceeding. The Commission’s notice is available in the eLibrary under Docket No....

European LNG Exports

Gazprom Looking to Scale Up LNG Exports to European Customers (RosBusinessConsulting)

ExxonMobil CEO Discusses Golden Pass LNG Terminal

Rex Tillerson, CEO and Chairman of ExxonMobil, told the Gulf Times that he expects the Golden Pass LNG terminal to “continue to be valuable,” but that the company is evaluating long-term plans for the...

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