Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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European LNG Headlines

Rabbittee Statement a Game Changer, Say Objectors to Shannon LNG Project (Irish Examiner)

Project Opponent Says Downeast LNG Abusing FERC’s Approval Process by Missing Filing Deadlines

A representative for Save Passamaquoddy Bay has submitted a letter to FERC that outlines Downeast LNG’s history of failing to honor FERC’s filing deadlines. The letter, available in FERC’s eLibrary under Docket No. CP07-52, concludes that the Downeast LNG project application pending before the Commission should be...

Industry Analyst Predicts Limited LNG Exports from the United States by 2020

An industry analyst with ICF International said yesterday that he expects North American LNG exports from the United States in 2020 to be a small fraction of the capacity contemplated in U.S. LNG export applications filed to date. Speaking at an energy conference in Washington, D.C., the analyst predicted that U.S. LNG exports will feed new incremental LNG demand. Read...

European LNG Headlines

Estonia’s Elering, Port of Talinn Agree to Build LNG Terminal (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription required]

Editorial Says FERC Should Re-Examine Authorization for Jordan Cove LNG Project

An editorial carried in the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) argues that FERC’s previous authorization of the Jordan Cove LNG project should be re-examined and possibly revoked due to significant changes in the United States’ natural gas...

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