Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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PHMSA Offers Draft Decision Approving DNV’s PHAST-UDM Vapor Gas Dispersion Model

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has issued a Draft Decision approving engineering firm Det Norske Veritas’ (DNV) vapor gas dispersion model. The PHMSA docket contains additional information on the Process Hazard Analysis Software Tool – Unified Dispersion Model (PHAST-UDM)...

Jamaican Government Planning LNG Tenders in August

Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that the Jamaican government expects to issue LNG supply and infrastructure tenders for its planned LNG import project in August, 2011.

European LNG Headlines

Statoil Eyes Bigger Snoehvit LNG Plant in 2018 (Reuters) Italy Gives Go-Ahead for Falconara Terminal (Platts LNG Daily) [subscription required]

Dominion Cove Point LNG Requests FERC Waive Pre-Filing Requirements for LNG Re-Export Proposal

Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP submitted a request to FERC last week asking that the Commission determine that the company’s planned LNG re-export project is not subject to pre-filing procedures under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Find Dominion’s request in the FERC...

Technical Conference, Prehearing Conference Set by FERC for Cove Point LNG Tariff Revision Proposals

FERC has set technical and prehearing conferences for July 14, 2011, to discuss the tariff revisions proposed by Cove Point LNG. The orders scheduling the two conferences are available in the FERC eLibrary under Docket No....

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