Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Sets Schedule for Cove Point LNG Tariff Revision Proceeding

FERC issued the schedule for the Cove Point LNG tariff revision proceeding, setting hearings for April 2012 and an initial decision in September 2012. The schedule is available in the Commission’s eLibrary under Docket No....

European LNG Headlines

Statoil’s Snoehvit LNG Plant Down Due to Technical Issues (Reuters) Chancellor Merkel: Germany to Grow Investment in Nigerian LNG (Reuters)

NOAA Issues Authorization for Impacts on Marine Mammals Incidental to Operations at the Neptune LNG Deepwater Port

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued an authorization permitting limited impacts on marine mammals incidental to operations at the Neptune LNG deepwater port facility located offshore Massachusetts. The authorization will be valid until July 10, 2016. Find further details in today’s Federal...

European LNG Headlines

LNG Terminal Recognized as Project of National Importance in Lithuania (The Baltic Course) Enel’s LNG Project in Italy Awaits Top Court Ruling (Reuters)

Southern LNG Argues to Georgia Supreme Court that Company Should Be Taxed by the State, Not County

Southern LNG argued before the Georgia Supreme Court yesterday to request permission to sue the state’s revenue commissioner to compel him to assume control over taxation of the company’s Elba Island LNG terminal. Find further details in the Savannah Morning...

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