Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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European LNG Headlines

Source: Italy Court Accepts Enel Appeal on Sicily LNG Plant (Reuters) Norway’s Snohvit LNG Ramping Up After Maintenance (Platts LNG Daily) [subscription required]

Editorial Argues Oregon LNG Regasification Controversies Demonstrate National Trend Towards Politicizing Local Issues

An editorial published in the Daily Astorian argues that the controversy surrounding LNG regasification projects proposed in Oregon, particularly the Bradwood Landing LNG import project, demonstrate the trend of politicizing state and local issues. The piece suggests that the polarizing politics common at the national level of government are seeping into state and local...

State Legislator Says Alaska Should Consider Exporting North Slope Gas to Asia as LNG

Responding to a report that examines the possibility of a natural gas pipeline project that would transport gas from the North Slope to Southcentral Alaska, State Sen. Joe Thomas (D) said that he would like further consideration of exporting LNG to Asian customers. Read more in the Peninsula...

LNG Exports an Option for Proposed Oregon LNG Projects

The Oregonian offers an analysis of the possibility of LNG exports via two proposed LNG projects in Oregon: Jordan Cove LNG and Oregon LNG.

FERC Offers Update on Southern LNG Truck Delivery Project

FERC has released a status update on Southern LNG’s proposal to load LNG on trucks at its Elba Island LNG import facility for delivery to peak shaving facilities throughout the surrounding region. According to the Savannah Morning News, the update states that the Commission is waiting for Southern LNG to complete consultations with the U.S. Department of Transportation before...

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