Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Oregon Senate Passes Infrastructure Legislation That Could Ease LNG Project Siting

The Oregon Senate has passed HB 2700, which streamlines the infrastructure siting process for projects in Oregon by allowing utilities and others to apply for a removal-fill permit even without owning the land in question. Proponents of the legislation argue that the new law will speed up infrastructure development in Oregon, but opponents of the bill raised concerns that the measure...

European LNG Headlines

Cyprus Looks to LNG and Licensing Round (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription required]

Cove Point LNG Requests Approval for Changes to Tariff

Cove Point LNG has requested that FERC approve several changes to the terminal’s tariff. The revisions to the tariff would permit Cove Point LNG to require firm shippers to import cargos of LNG and other measures that would encourage regular deliveries of LNG to the terminal. Cove Point LNG argues that regular imports of LNG are necessary to circulate LNG throughout its systems...

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