Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Op-Ed Questions Investigation of Bid Selection Process for Jamaican LNG Project

An op-ed published in yesterday’s Jamaica Observer raised a number of questions regarding the ongoing investigation into the Jamaican LNG project.

Alaskan Legislators Raise Concerns With LNG Export Permit Extension

A number of Democratic state legislators in Alaska have raised concerns over ConocoPhillips and Marathon Oil’s request to extend their Kenai LNG export permit until  2013. Among their concerns is fear that local natural gas needs are not being considered sufficiently by federal regulators. KTUU News offers further...

Town Council Discusses Resolution Opposing Weaver’s Cove LNG Project

At a Jamestown Town Council meeting held this week, members discussed a resolution opposing the Weaver’s Cove LNG project. The Jamestown Press reports that some members of the council’s LNG Threat Committee supported the substance of the resolution, but had concerns with its...

Pipeline Associated with Bradwood Landing LNG Seeking Additional Commercial Support

The Daily Astorian reports that the developer of the Palomar Gas Transmission pipeline project, which would have connected with the Bradwood Landing LNG terminal if the facility had moved forward, have notified FERC that it “continues to seek additional commercial underpinnings for the...

PHMSA Issues Letter of Interpretation of Requirements for Calculating Gas Vapor Dispersion Zones

In a letter to Weaver’s Cove LNG issued yesterday, the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) states that it has found deficiencies in the SOURCE5 gas vapor dispersion model and the use of this model will no longer be considered in compliance with PHMSA’s...

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