Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Trinidad Reviewing LNG Agreement with Jamaica

The government of Trinidad & Tobago is reviewing the terms of its 2004 agreement to supply Jamaica with LNG supplies. Trinidad’s Energy Minister, Caroline Seepersad-Bachan, noted that since 2004 the government has imposed “new criteria for the assignment and allocation of gas.” Read more in the Jamaica...

Newfoundland LNG Project Remains on Hold

CBC News reports that the Newfoundland LNG project remains on hold due to market conditions in the North American natural gas market.

FERC Requests Additional Information from Oregon LNG

Yesterday, FERC requested additional engineering information from Oregon LNG regarding the project storage tank and associated systems. The data request is available in the FERC eLibrary under Docket No....

Calais LNG Seeks Delay for State Hearings

Yesterday, Calais LNG requested a delay of the hearings before the Maine Board of Environmental Protection, which are scheduled to begin next week. The Bangor Daily News also notes that the Calais Planning Board approved Calais LNG’s proposed site plan for the...

Hearings on Calais LNG Proposal to Begin Next Week

The Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick) reports that the Maine Board of Environmental Protection will convene a series of hearings on the planned Calais LNG import terminal beginning next...

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