Downeast LNG Files Supplemental Material with FERC on Project Purpose and Need
Last week Downeast LNG submitted supplemental material updating the Project Purpose and Need section of its LNG import terminal application filed more than two years ago. The filing provides natural gas market analysis for New England, which Downeast argues supports the need for the project and increased supplies of imported LNG. Downeast LNG’s submission is available in FERC’s eLibrary under Docket No. CP07-52.
Separately, an opinion piece carried by the Telegraph-Journal argues that while the Canadian federal and New Brunswick governments have done a “reasonable job so far” of opposing LNG vessel traffic in Head Harbour Passage, they could take stronger steps by passing legislation that would regulate vessel transit in the waterway. Such a measure, the piece argues, could cause backers of LNG projects in the Passamaquoddy Bay area to reconsider investments in such projects.