Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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NMFS Issues Incidental Taking of Marine Mammals Authorization for Neptune LNG

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has issued an incidental harassment of marine mammals authorization to Neptune LNG, LLC for one year until June 30, 2010. The announcement is available in the Federal...

Local Officials Discussing Meeting with Weaver’s Cove LNG Developers

The Fall River Herald News reports that the developers behind the Weaver’s Cove LNG project are seeking a meeting with officials from the town of Somerset, Mass. However, town officials have requested a meeting agenda before agreeing to meet with the...

European LNG Headlines

Three Croatian Companies Expected to Approve LNG Company Formation (Reuters carried via Forbes) Irish Regulator Plans to Give Shannon LNG 25-Year Exemption (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription...

BP Trinidad & Tobago CEO Sees Increased Competition in Global LNG Market

Robert Riley, chairman and CEO of BP Trinidad & Tobago, describes the current LNG market as one with “increased competition.” The Jamaica Gleaner reports that Riley’s company is reaching out to new potential LNG buyers, such as Jamaica, in the face of this increased...

European LNG Headlines

Spain’s Cartagena Terminal Could Accept Q-Max Vessels by Fall: Enagas (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription Required]

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