Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Kitimat LNG Signs MOU with Gas Natural

Kitimat LNG announced yesterday that Spain’s Gas Natural has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to take 30 percent of the LNG produced by the planned Kitimat facility. According to Reuters, Gas Natural also has an option to acquire an equity stake in the Kitimat LNG...

Jordan Cove Energy Seeks Action on Its Application at Upcoming FERC Meeting

Yesterday Jordan Cove Energy Project, LP filed a request that FERC address at the Commission’s upcoming meeting the company’s application to build and operate an LNG terminal and associated pipeline. Specifically, Jordan Cove requests that FERC include the project on the agenda for its July 16, 2009 meeting and “issue an order at that meeting finding that the...

FERC Determines Pre-Filing Process Not Required for NGL Extraction Train at Freeport LNG

FERC announced yesterday that the Commission has determined that the pre-filing process will not be required for the proposed natural gas liquids (NGL) extraction trains planned for the Freeport LNG terminal. FERC’s letter is available in the eLibrary. [There is no docket number currently associated with this...

European LNG Headlines

Centrica and RasGas Reportedly in Supply Deal Talks (Arabian Business)

U.S. Coast Guard: No New Letter of Recommendation for Cove Point Pier Reinforcement Project Needed

The U.S. Coast Guard has determined that the proposed pier reinforcement project at the Cove Point LNG import terminal “does not appear to pose any new or significant issues that would affect the waterway,” so it will not issue a new or updated Letter of Recommendation on waterway suitability. Find the Coast Guard’s determination in the FERC eLibrary under Docket No....

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