Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Freeport LNG Receives Cargo for Macquarie

The Facts (Brazoria County, Texas) reports on the arrival and docking of the British Trader LNG vessel at the Freeport LNG terminal early yesterday morning for Macquarie.

County Board Prepares for Meeting on Bradwood Landing LNG Project

According to the Daily Astorian, the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners has established an agenda and procedures for the July 8 public hearing regarding the Bradwood Landing LNG import...

Commentary: Economics Driving U.S. LNG Oversupply

A market commentary carried by the Wall Street Journal discusses some of the economic factors driving the delivery of LNG cargos to U.S. terminals, despite a current lack of demand.

Analysts Examine Impact of Canaport LNG on North American Natural Gas Market

Two natural gas market analysts, Bill Gwozd of Ziff Energy and Andrew Boland of Peters & Co. Limited, examine the impact of the Canaport LNG terminal on the North American gas market as the facility begins operations. The Calgary Herald provides...

Trinidad & Tobago PM: Sending LNG to Jamaica a “National Priority”

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning said yesterday that supplying LNG to Jamaica is a “matter of national priority.” According to Reuters, the prime minister noted that the global LNG market has changed in recent years and now Jamaica is able to use floating regasification vessels in lieu of an onshore regasification...

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