Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Market May Create Obstacles for Jordan Cove LNG Project

The Register Guard (Eugene, Ore.) reports on potential obstacles for the proposed Jordan Cove LNG import facility, including recent increases in global LNG demand and domestic natural gas supplies from shale. Bob Braddock, the manager of the project, noted that although current market conditions may not be ideal for building an LNG import terminal, the long-term outlook still favors...

Canaport LNG Anticipates Providing New England With Natural Gas Supplies

At a conference on Tuesday, the president of Repsol, one of the developers of the Canaport LNG regasification facility, said that despite the recent economic uncertainty in the United States, there remains “unprecedented growth”  in demand for natural gas in New England, and he anticipates that Canaport LNG will supply the region through at least 2015. The Telegraph-Journal...

Strong Trade Ties Between United States, Trinidad & Tobago Expected to Continue Under New U.S. President

The Trinidad & Tobago Express reports that U.S. Embassy officials expect the strong bilateral trade relationship between the United States and Trinidad & Tobago, built in part on LNG trade, to continue under either a President Barack Obama or John McCain. “While it is premature to speculate on an election that has yet to take place, or policies of an administration that...

NOAA Researchers Say Proposed Bradwood Landing LNG Site Is Sanctuary for Salmon

In an interview with the Daily Astorian, NOAA biologist Curtis Roegner describes how the waters near the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG regasification facility are critical areas for migrating salmon. FERC is preparing its own assessment of the project’s impact on fish species, which will be subject to review by...

New Brunswick Economic Growth Predicted to Slow After Canaport LNG Facility Complete

In a new economic outlook report released by the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, the province of New Brunswick is projected to have lower than expected economic growth, with the impending completion of the Canaport LNG regasification facility cited as one of the factors. The Telegraph-Journal (Saint John, N.B.) has more...

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