Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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LNG Terminals Expected to Begin Operations in 2009 Could Add to Capacity Surplus

Natural Gas Week [subscription required] offers an analysis of whether four new regasification terminals scheduled to come online in North America during 2009 will attract overseas supplies or will sit idle like many existing LNG...

Industry Analyst Predicts U.S. LNG Imports to Increase in 2009

A commodities analyst with Merrill Lynch predicts that as much as 300 Mcf/d in additional LNG imports will come to the United States in 2009 as demand falls in overseas markets, according to Platts LNG Daily [subscription...

Grassy Point LNG Transshipment Terminal to Move Forward Despite Economic Crisis

The LNG transshipment facility slated for construction in Grassy Point, Newfoundland, will proceed as scheduled despite uncertainty in the global market, a company spokesperson recently said. Ocean Resources Online has more...

Trinidad and Tobago Contemplates Expanded Role in LNG Industry

According to Trinidad and Tobago’s energy minister, Conrad Enill, the government is exploring investment opportunities to expand the country’s role in the LNG industry. Specifically, the Trinidadian government is considering investments involving the shipping or regasification of LNG. Mr. Enill said that a fifth LNG train, Train X, would be needed in order for the...

Daily Letters to the Editor

Daily Astorian (responding to letter in support of LNG development in Oregon) Daily Astorian (noting political contributions of contractors and developers with potential interests in Bradwood Landing LNG to local political...

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