Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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As Canaport LNG Terminal Nears Completion, Industry Foresees Growth in Regional Gas Demand

The New Brunswick Business Journal (Canada) offers an analysis of the possible effects of the Canaport LNG terminal on regional gas demand.

Regional Officials Vote to Support Ban on LNG Tanker Traffic in Two B.C. Waterways

The Regional District of Nanaimo recently voted to support a resolution that would prohibit LNG tanker traffic from transiting the Strait of Georgia and the Malaspina Strait, two waterways adjacent to Texada Island, the proposed site for the WestPac LNG project. The Daily News (Nanaimo, Canada) provides additional...

FERC Denies Request for Rehearing in Broadwater LNG Proceeding

FERC issued an order last week denying rehearing of its March 20, 2008 order granting Broadwater Energy authority to site, construct, and operate a floating LNG terminal proposed for Long Island Sound. The order denying rehearing is available in FERC’s eLibrary under Docket No....

Daily Letters to the Editor

Daily Astorian (in favor of proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal)Daily Astorian (concerned that pipeline infrastructure associated with proposed Bradwood Landing LNG project may lower property values)Daily Astorian (opposed to proposed Bradwood Landing LNG...

Trading Houses Expect Greater LNG Opportunities

At the 5th Annual Law of LNG Conference, officials with Merrill Lynch Commodities and Citigroup Global Commodities said that they expect greater opportunities to trade LNG as global liquefaction capacity grows over the next few years. Platts LNG Daily provides details. [Subscription...

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