Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC May Vote on Bradwood Landing Application Next Week

The Oregonian reports that FERC will consider and potentially vote on Bradwood Landing LNG’s application to construct and operate an LNG regasification terminal at next Thursday’s...

Supporters of LNG Referendum Announce Event

The Daily Astorian [subscription required] reports that opponents of the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG import terminal will host an event to commence the campaign in favor of the referendum on the Clatsop County (Ore.) Board of Commissioners’ land-use decision to allow a natural gas pipeline route associated with the Bradwood project to be constructed on space zoned for open...

NATS: Natural Gas Industry Reacting to Lower U.S. LNG Imports in 2008

In a market commentary released yesterday, NATS offers its view on reaction within the natural gas industry to the U.S. market’s lower LNG imports in 2008 compared with 2007 levels. [Subscription...

LNG Opponents Gather in Oregon

The Associated Press (carried via The Oregonian) offers details on a gathering of LNG opponents in Corvallis, Ore., earlier this week.

Analysts: Tight Global Liquefaction Market Could Result in Price Spikes for U.S. Natural Gas

Analysts with Barclays Capital said in a report released earlier this week that if the United States becomes dependent on LNG to meet natural gas demand increases, tightness in the global liquefaction market and strong demand in Japan, South Korea, and Spain could trigger “substantial price spikes” for natural gas in the U.S. market. Platts LNG Daily offers additional...

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