Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FEIS Concludes that Bradwood Landing LNG Project Would be an “Environmentally Acceptable Action”

FERC released its Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal, which concludes that if the terminal is “constructed and operated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and the project sponsor’s proposed mitigation, and the [FERC] staff’s additional mitigation recommendations, it would have mostly limited...

Competition Increases Between Two LNG Projects Proposed for Maine

Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that developers of the proposed Quoddy Bay LNG terminal have accused an attorney representing the proposed Downeast LNG project of assisting in coordinating community opposition to the Quoddy Bay project. According to Quoddy Bay LNG, an attorney representing Downeast LNG may have contributed to a letter drafted by a community...

Op-Ed Argues in Favor of Liberty Offshore LNG Project

An op-ed published by the Asbury Park Press, written by Liberty Natural Gas President J. Roger Whelan, argues in favor of the Liberty offshore LNG project.

NATS Offers Review of U.S. LNG Imports for April 2008

According to NATS, the United States imported 11 LNG cargos in April 2008, nine from Trinidad & Tobago, one from Egypt, and one from Nigeria. NATS further reports that the United States imported 29.8 Bcf of LNG in April 2008 compared to 98.7 Bcf in April 2007. [Subscription...

Judge Revises Ballot Language for Bradwood Landing LNG Referendum

Yesterday a Clatsop County (Ore.) judge revised the ballot language for a referendum on a change to the county land-use law for the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal. The Daily Astorian offers additional...

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