Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Broadwater Letters to the Editor

Newsday today carries three letters to the editor discussing the Broadwater Energy project. The first is from Broadwater’s regional project director, arguing that the project is “still very much alive” following New York State’s refusal to grant federal consistency approval under the Coastal Zone Management Act. The other two letters support New York...

Local Residents React to First Cargo to Arrive at Sabine Pass LNG Terminal

The Houston Chronicle reports that several residents of the communities surrounding the Sabine Pass LNG terminal were mostly ambivalent towards the arrival of the first LNG cargo to the terminal last Friday. The Chronicle contrasts this muted reaction with the vocal opposition of some Connecticut and New York officials to the Broadwater LNG proposal, which was rejected last week by New...

Freeport LNG Finalizing Security Arrangements Prior to Facility Start-Up

The Facts (Brazoria County, Texas) reports today that the United States Coast Guard (USCG) is finalizing marine security arrangements for LNG vessels as the Freeport LNG import terminal nears start-up. According to the news report, USCG personnel expect restrictions on boat traffic within a 1,000-meter radius around LNG tankers transiting to the Freeport LNG terminal to last up to...

Excelerate: Northeast Gateway to Receive Cargo by End of April

A spokesperson for Excelerate Energy told the Boston Herald that the company expects to import its first LNG cargo to the Northeast Gateway LNG deepwater port by the end of the month. According to the spokesperson, the company cannot confirm which day the LNG vessel will arrive due to security concerns, saying “[w]e’re not going to be able to say it’s happened until...

Analysts: New Regasification Terminals Serving U.S. Northeast Unlikely To Attract Much LNG This Year

Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that several market analysts and traders have expressed skepticism that the new LNG terminals in the region will have an immediate impact on the American Northeast gas market. The article indicates that prompt winter basis values at the Algonquin citygates and tight global liquefaction capacity suggest Canaport LNG in New Brunswick,...

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