Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Zoning Ordinance Urged Against LNG Expansion

Citizens for Clean Air and Water, based in Savannah, Ga., hosted a meeting yesterday to discuss possible hazards associated with expanding the Elba Island LNG import terminal. The meeting also  addressed a possible  ordinance that would prevent siting an LNG facility within five miles of a residential area. See the Savannah Morning News for further...

Freeport LNG Files Independent Assessment for Q-Flex LNG Vessels

Yesterday Freeport LNG Development L.P. filed an independent assessment of potential thermal and vapor  hazards associated with using Q-Flex vessels to service the Freeport LNG terminal. The report, completed in June by AcuTech Consulting Group, will be treated as confidential per Freeport LNG’s request in a letter submitted with the assessment. The letter is available in the...

ExxonMobil Releases Details on Planned Investment in LNG Projects

Lloyd’s List offers details regarding the large investment program announced by ExxonMobil earlier this week. Exxon plans to focus its spending on upstream LNG projects in Qatar, Australia, Nigeria, Angola, and Papua New Guinea. Exxon’s head of upstream operations, Mark Albers, told Lloyd’s that over the next two years, the company will also open its Golden Pass LNG...

Shell Energy Begins Marketing Gas to Flow From Broadwater Energy Terminal

The Hartford Courant reports that Shell Energy North America (Shell Energy) will start discussions to sell gas imported to the Broadwater Energy regasification terminal. Shell Energy, a partner in the proposed terminal project, said that it will open up talks with gas distribution companies and large commercial gas users in the area. Shell Energy CEO Mark Hanafin said in a statement...

NEB Rejects Portions of Proposed Emera Gas Pipeline Route from Canaport LNG

The Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) rejected portions of the proposed route for the Emera Brunswick Pipeline project, which would transport gas from the Canaport LNG terminal in Saint John to the Canada-United States border. The rejected portions of the route would have transected property owned by Galbraith Construction and Galbraith Equipment. The NEB stated that the “best...

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