Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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NMFS Clarifies Comments on Bradwood Landing LNG Proposal

The Daily Astorian [subscription required] reports that last week the National Marine Fisheries Service sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to clarify its previous comments on the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal. Robert Lohn, regional administrator for NMFS, stated in the letter that the agency’s recommendation “that the permit pending…be denied...

FY 2009 Budget Increases FERC’s Funds for Enforcement and Energy Infrastructure

Platts LNG Daily reports that the proposed federal budget for fiscal year 2009 includes a $13 million increase in FERC’s budget for enforcement activities and energy infrastructure programs, including issuance of certificates to LNG terminal and gas pipeline developers. [Subscription...

DOE Changes Reporting Requirements for LNG Importers and Exporters

The Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy has amended the reporting requirements for natural gas and LNG importers and exporters. Submission of quarterly reports is no longer required and monthly reports now must include the information previously captured in quarterly reports. Details are available in today’s Federal...

Daily Letters to the Editor

Newsday (suggests that Broadwater LNG will not guarantee lower natural gas prices)

Broadwater LNG Project Steps Up Public Relations Campaign

Newsday reports that Broadwater Energy and its parent company, Shell Oil, are increasing public relations efforts to generate support for the proposed LNG terminal before New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (D) issues his decision on the project next week. According to Newsday, television, radio, and print advertisements claim that Broadwater may lower energy bills for Long Island...

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