Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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ExxonMobil Agrees to Sell North Slope Gas to Alaskan Firm

ExxonMobil and Fairbanks Natural Gas announced a deal yesterday under which the supermajor would supply gas to a small liquefaction facility to be transported to customers  by truck. Though the 10 Bcf/year supply agreement is relatively small, the Anchorage Daily News reports that some Alaskan state officials, including Governor Palin (R), see the announcement as a positive sign for...

EIA Revises 2008 LNG Import Projection

In its Short Term Energy Outlook, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) revised its projection of LNG imports to the United States downward to 788 Bcf in 2008, a modest 1.8% increase over 2007 import levels. The EIA cited continuing strength in the Western European and Asian markets as well as supply uncertainty as reasons for its downward...

ConocoPhillips and Suez Announce Terminal Access Swap at North American, European Terminals

Yesterday ConocoPhillips announced a terminal access swap agreement with Suez LNG Trading SA, under which ConocoPhillips will provide Suez with access to the Freeport LNG terminal in exchange for access to the Zeebrugge terminal in Belgium over a 20-year term. The Tulsa World provides additional...

Bradwood Landing LNG Proposal Meeting Location Changed

In anticipation of greater-than-expected attendance, today’s public meeting hosted by four state and federal agencies has been moved to a larger venue. The agencies will provide information on their respective roles in the review of certain elements of the Bradwood Landing LNG terminal project. Read more in the Daily Astorian. [Subscription...

MARAD Reaffirms New Jersey’s Adjacent Coastal State Status in Safe Harbor Energy Proceeding

MARAD reaffirmed its earlier decision to grant Adjacent Coastal State status to New Jersey following a Request for Reconsideration by Atlantic Sea Island Group. MARAD noted that although the proposed site of the Safe Harbor Energy LNG terminal is 19 miles from the New Jersey coast and outside the 15-mile limit specified by statute, the risks posed by the proposed facility affect both...

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