Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Workers Union Voices Opposition to Texada Island LNG Proposal

Calling WestPac LNG Corp”s LNG import terminal proposal for Texada Island “too dangerous, too expensive, and too dirty,” the union representing workers at B.C. Hydro made public its opposition to the project yesterday. A union spokesperson went on to say that “WestPac and the B.C. government are not seeking to serve B.C.’s energy needs at all. Instead,...

Shipping Data Suggests U.S. LNG Imports Slowing in August

Platts LNG Daily reports that an analysis of shipping records suggests that the United States will receive significantly fewer cargos in the month of August compared with the month of July. Platts estimates that U.S. LNG import volumes will fall from an average of 2.79 Bcf/d in July to 1.79 Bcf/d in August. [Subscription...

Maryland Legislators Urge Commerce Secretary to Uphold State’s Ojections to Sparrow’s Point LNG Proposal

Sens. Barbara Mikulski (D) and Benjamin Cardin (D) were joined by U.S. Reps. Elijah Cummings (D), C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger (D), and John Sarbanes (D) in urging U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez to uphold the objection by the State of Maryland to AES Corp’s proposal to construct an LNG import terminal at Sparrow’s Point. Their request states that...

Editorial: LIPA’s Broadwater LNG Report Does Not Answer All Questions

Though it offers more information on the project, an editorial in Newsday (N.Y.) claims the report on the Broadwater LNG proposal released by the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) does not conclusively answer all questions on customer savings for Long Islanders. The editorial states that the estimates of economic benefits are still too speculative and any final judgment on the project...

Oregon Congressman Requests Extension of Public Review Period for Bradwood Landing LNG

U.S. Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.) has requested for a third time that FERC extend by 75 days the public review period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for NorthernStar Natural Gas’ Bradwood Landing LNG import terminal. Rep. Wu said in his request that the extension would “alleviate concerns that the project is being rushed through the permitting process without...

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