U.S. Senators Introduce Bill to Amend Coastal Zone Management Act

On June 7, 2007, Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced S. 1579, which would amend the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). Specifically, the bill would lengthen the time allotted for the Secretary of Commerce to review objections made by state agencies. The bill would also require the Department of Commerce to submit a report updating Congress regarding the development of a memorandum of understanding with FERC for “a coordinated process for review of coastal energy activities that provides for – (1) improved coordination among Federal, regional, State, and local agencies concerned with conducting reviews under the Coastal Zone Management Act…; and (2) coordinated schedules for such reviews that ensures that, where appropriate, the reviews are performed concurrently.” The legislation is available via the Congressional Record, beginning on page S7366 through page S7370.

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