Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Maryland Commission Approves Prohibition on LNG Facilities in Sensitive Coastal Areas

The Baltimore Sun reports that Maryland’s Critical Areas Commission approved a measure Wednesday that prohibits LNG facilities from being built in environmentally sensitive coastal areas. The legislation was passed by the Baltimore County Council in February, but incorporating it into the Coastal Zone Management Plan required approval from the Critical Areas Commission. [Free...

Alaska to Issue RFP for North Slope Pipeline

Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) signed the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act into law this week. The state expects to issue a request for proposals in July for a $30 billion pipeline that may transport gas from the North Slope to a proposed liquefaction facility in Valdez. The Act is available via the Alaska State Legislature website under HB 177. Platts LNG Daily [subscription required]...

Security Tightened at Trinidad and Tobago’s LNG Facility

In the wake of an alleged plot by men from Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana to damage New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport using energy infrastructure, police in Trinidad and Tobago announced that security has been tightened at the country’s key energy facilities, including the Atlantic LNG export terminal. Platts LNG Daily provides further...

Quoddy Bay to Host Second Public Information Meeting

Quoddy Bay LNG announced that it will host a second public information meeting at a Perry, Maine, elementary school on Sunday evening. Quoddy Bay expects to file its environmental applications with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) the following day or shortly thereafter. Following the previous public meeting, held on May 23, the LNG-opposition group Save...

NATS: Henry Hub and Landed LNG Prices Diverge in April

NATS reports that although landed LNG prices decreased in April, the Henry Hub natural gas price index increased, breaking the usual trend of LNG prices tracking Henry Hub’s price levels. NATS suggests that, due to a large increase in LNG imports during April, this price differential may illustrate a temporary shift from a sellers’ to a buyers’ market in the Atlantic...

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