Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Polling Technique Raises Allegations of Bias

The Malibu Surfside News reports on allegations that supporters of BHP Billiton’s proposed Cabrillo Port LNG terminal are asking local residents biased poll questions designed to yield a more favorable opinion of the proposal. According to the publication, BHP Billiton officials declined to comment on the...

Oxnard City Council Meeting With Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Aide Canceled

A proposed meeting between two Oxnard City Council officials and an aide to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to discuss BHP Billiton’s proposed Cabrillo Port LNG terminal was canceled after another council member expressed his intent to participate. According to Mayor Tom Holden, Tim Flynn’s attendance would have violated open-meeting laws by creating a quorum without...

Federal Biologists Examining Proposed Bradwood Landing Terminal’s Potential Impact on Fragile Species

The Daily Astorian reports that biologists with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service are reviewing FERC’s Biological Assessment and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for NorthernStar Natural Gas’ proposed LNG terminal in Bradwood Landing, Ore. After evaluating the documents, the agencies will submit their conclusions...

Daily LNG Imports Record Broken Again

According to data collected by Pan EurAsian’s NATS service, planned sendout from U.S. LNG regasification terminals today will reach 3.5 Bcf, less than one month after the record-breaking 3.3 Bcf on March 8. The day will also be a record utilization of the Lake Charles LNG terminal, using 1.7 Bcf of its standard capacity of 1.8 Bcf (2.1 Bcf peaking capacity).  While Spain is...

St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce Supports LNG Vessel Transit

In a March 15 letter to FERC, the St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce expresses support for the entry of LNG tankers into Maine’s ports. The letter may be found in the FERC e-Library in Docket No. CP07-35-000. WQDY provides local...

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