Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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U.S. Coast Guard Proposes Safety Zones for Bradwood Landing Terminal

The Oregonian reports that the U.S. Coast Guard  will require a 500-yard safety zone around vessels transiting the Columbia River to the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal and a 200-yard safety zone around vessels docked at the facility. The publication also notes that the USCG called on developer NorthernStar Natural Gas to provide more information about the risks associated with...

Long Island Lobstermen Concerned about Broadwater

Long Island Business News  reports that development of the proposed Broadwater LNG terminal may adversely impact Long Island Sound lobstermen because the facility’s safety and security zones could render some lobster-trapping areas off-limits and divert commercial vessel traffic into others. The Long Island Sound Lobstermen’s Association reportedly has not taken an official...

Gov. of Alaska Reveals Details of Gasline Inducement Act

At a Washington, DC, news conference, Governor Sarah Palin revealed details of the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, which she plans to submit to the state legislature today. If passed, the bill would provide up to $500 million in financial incentives to the pipeline’s developer.  The pipeline is expected to transport North Slope natural gas to a proposed liquefaction facility in...

FERC Says DNREC Lacks Standing to Challenge Crown Landing Order

On March 1, FERC filed a motion to dismiss, or to hold in abeyance, the appeal of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) challenging FERC’s orders conditionally authorizing the Crown Landing LNG terminal. FERC asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to dismiss the petition, arguing that the DNREC lacks constitutional...

Diplomatic Dispute May Emerge Over Failed Jamaica-Trinidad LNG Deal

According to Radio Jamaica, Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller sent a letter to the government of Trinidad & Tobago expressing disappointment with Trinidad’s recent announcement that it will not be able to fulfill a memorandum of understanding to supply LNG to Jamaica. A Trinidadian opposition leader also placed blame on the Trinidadian government for being overly...

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