Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Protest Against Cabrillo Port Planned for Saturday

Malibu Surfside News reports that, with the California State Lands Commission expected to release an Environmental Im­pact Report for the proposed Ca­brillo Port LNG project tomorrow, opponents will hold a rally at the Malibu Pier...

Op-Ed: Northern Star Will Make Columbia River Safer

CEO of Northern Star Natural Gas William “Si” Garrett, responding to last week’s coverage of the U.S. Coast Guard Waterway Suitability Report for Bradwood Landing, writes in yesterday’s Daily Astorian that the improvements Northern Star plans to implement “will make the Columbia River safer for all marine traffic.” He also believes that...

Maine and FERC Officials Respond in LNG Terminals Debate

Two articles in today’s Bangor Daily News track correspondence among the parties involved in whether to allow LNG tankers to transit Canadian waters to the proposed Downeast and Quoddy Bay terminals in Maine.  FERC Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher responded to a letter from Canada’s Ambassador Michael Wilson informing the Ambassador that FERC intends to continue reviewing the...

Cross-Border Gas Treaty Ready for Signature

Minister of Energy Lenny Saith provided Trinidad & Tobago’s Newsday with some of the first public details of the cross-border unitization treaty with Venezuela over the Loran fields in the waters between the two nations. The nations would develop the Loran field jointly, with Trinidad & Tabago claiming a 27% undivided share. Once the treaty is in force, negotiations would...

Perry to Hold Public Hearing on Quoddy Bay Compensation Agreement

Selectmen for the town of Perry, Maine, will convene a public hearing tonight to discuss and answer questions regarding the proposed compensation agreement between the town and Quoddy Bay LNG, which seeks to build an LNG terminal in the area. Under the proposed terms of the agreement, Perry would receive $3.6 million annually from the terminal developer for twenty-five years. A vote on...

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