Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Editorial: Regional Approach to Siting LNG Terminals Preferable to Case-By-Case Review

The Patriot Ledger supports the development of LNG terminals, but advocates a regional approach to siting them. The newspaper says that the current case-by-case evaluation process fosters local conflicts and does not consider whether all of the proposed terminals are actually needed to meet New England’s energy...

Public Comment Period for Main Pass LNG Project Ends Without Opposition

In a press release issued yesterday, McMoRan Exploration Co. announced that the public comment period for the revamped Main Pass Energy Hub LNG terminal planned for offshore Louisiana closed on Nov. 20 without receiving local or political opposition. The company expects to receive approval from the Maritime Administration by Jan. 3, 2007.  The Times-Picayune provides local...

Perry Selectmen Pick Negotiator for Talks With Quoddy Bay LNG

During a meeting on Monday, the selectmen of Perry, Maine debated whether allowing a single selectman to negotiate with Quoddy Bay LNG would exclude the views of residents who oppose the project.  Jean Guisinger, a critic of the proposal, expressed concern that selectman David Turner’s pro-LNG views were not representative of all Perry residents and may influence his discussion...

AES-Sponsored Poll Says Opposition to Sparrows Point Overstated

AES has released poll results that they say disprove a contention by critics that opposition to the company’s proposed Sparrows Point LNG terminal is extensive.  However, project opponents allege that the research company conducting the polls in August was influencing the responses of participants by presenting the facility’s potential benefits during questioning. Read more...

“Major” Explores Alaska LNG Proposal

Platts LNG Daily reports that a “major” energy firm has expressed an interest in a proposal by the Alaska Gasline Port Authority to liquefy natural gas from the North Slope for export to the West Coast. The news follows a recent decision by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources’ to revoke several oil and gas majors’ leases at Port Thomson, which reportedly...

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