Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Editorial: Residents Should Have Access to NorthernStar WSA

According to an editorial in yesterday’s Daily Astorian, the U.S. Coast Guard has agreed to release publicly the Waterway Suitability Assessment for the proposed NorthernStar Natural Gas LNG terminal.  The editorial argues that residents of Clatsop County should have access to all of the sensitive information contained in the Coast Guard’s WSA and suggests that the Coast...

Calypso LNG Generates Some Environmental Support

Today’s South Florida Sun-Sentinel provides a detailed look at Suez Energy North America’s proposed Calypso LNG terminal, which would be located approximately 10 miles off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, FL.  The proposal appears to have generated moderate support from environmentalists, including one activist who stated that he thinks the terminal is “a viable solution...

Gazprom Considers Increasing Presence in North American Gas Market

Russian gas monopoly Gazprom is “going to be a serious player” in North American upstream natural gas initiatives, according to Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev. Platts LNG Daily notes that, despite Gazprom’s earlier announcement that gas deliveries via pipeline to Europe from the Shtokman gas field would take precedence over LNG shipments to the United States, other...

FERC Chairman Clarifies LNG Terminal Review Process

During an interview with The Hartford Courant, FERC Chairman Joseph Kelliher clarified FERC’s role in the LNG terminal review process, explaining that EPAct 2005 does not deprive states of influence over siting decisions. “If we disapprove a project, it can’t be built, but we’re not the only body that has to approve an LNG facility,” Kelliher said. He also...

FERC Authorizes Site Preparation Activities for Ingleside LNG Terminal

FERC has granted permission to Occidental Energy Ventures Corp. to begin certain site preparation construction activities for the company’s Ingleside Energy Center LNG terminal in Texas. According to a Dec. 1 letter, authorized activities include land-based excavation of an LNG slip and creation of a construction access road. The letter may be found in the FERC e-Library in...

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