USCG Updates FERC on Review of Weaver’s Cove Project

In a letter dated June 28, Capt. Roy A. Nash, the USCG Captain of the Port for Southeastern New England, updates FERC on the status of the Coast Guard’s review of the revamped Weaver’s Cove LNG project, which reflects the company’s intent to use smaller LNG tankers in an attempt to navigate under the existing Brightman Street Bridge. He affirms that the USCG will evaluate navigation safety, maritime security, and environmental impacts before deciding whether to issue a Letter of Recommendation for the proposed terminal. Nash also notes that “there are other Federal actions underway that may impact the Weaver’s Cove proposal,” including a proposed USCG rule to improve navigation safety in the Narragansett Bay and the USCG’s recent initiation of an obstructive bridge analysis regarding the Brightman Street Bridge. Nash’s letter may be found in the FERC e-Library in Docket No. CP04-36.

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