Bahamas to Develop LNG Regulations; Opposition Reemerges
The Bahamian Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources addressed concerns that the Bahamian government is entering an agreement with AES to build an LNG terminal without necessary legislation. “The government is now in dialogue with the state of Florida … putting in place the necessary apparatus to enable us [to formulate regulation],” Leslie Miller said. Recent press reports suggested that Bahamian officials plan to sign a heads of agreement with AES sometime this week. Read more in today’s Bahama Journal.
The Nassau Guardian, meanwhile, reported last week on efforts to rekindle opposition to the proposed LNG terminals in the Bahamas. The president of reEarth, Sam Duncombe, is challenging the role of certain Bahamian government officials in the terminal siting process. Duncombe argues that the government’s concern about the environment “is in complete contradiction” to its allowance for heavy industry, including the LNG terminals.