FERC Nominees Offer Differing Perspectives on LNG Imports
During a confirmation hearing held yesterday before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, FERC nominees expressed differing views on whether the United States should meet its natural gas demand by importing LNG. Nominee Jon Wellinghoff, a partner at a Colorado law firm, advocated using gas from Alaska, saying, “We may have to someday take LNG, but let’s do the most efficient things first.” While agreeing that natural gas from Alaska would be “naturally more secure” than imported LNG, nominee Phillip D. Moeller, executive director of the Washington office for Alliant Energy Corp., said that the United States should explore all sources of energy including foreign LNG. “I think that demand is such that we need to frankly look at all sources,” Moeller said. Details are in an article published yesterday in NGI’s Daily Gas Price Index. [Subscription required]