Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Op-ed: Main Pass LNG Project Needs Gov. Blanco’s Support

As the Sunday deadline looms for Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco to issue a decision on Freeport-McMoRan’s Main Pass Energy Hub LNG project, the co-chairman of McMoRan Exploration says the Governor’s endorsement is necessary for the project to provide much needed natural gas supply and revenue to the state. Richard C. Adkerson also stressed that the facility would present...

Excelerate Energy Considers Long-Term Supply Deal

Excelerate Energy president Kathleen Eisbrenner says the company hopes to sign a long-term supply agreement this year, even though its submersible terminal technology generally is regarded as an attempt to facilitate short-term trading. According to yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily, Excelerate has delivered spot cargos to a variety of locations in recent months, but has received only...

DOE Will “Listen” On Regional Siting

<ahref=”http://www.boston.com/news/local/connecticut/articles/2006/05/03/new_england_lawmakers_urge_regional_approach_on_lng/” target=”_blank”>The Boston Globecarries an AP article on yesterday’s meeting between Energy Secretary Bodman and a group of New England congressmen. According to Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Bodman “agreed to …...

Connecticut AG Criticizes Broadwater LNG Plan

Calling himself  “one of the most staunch and vehement” opponents of the Broadwater LNG proposal, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal criticized federal agencies for “stifl[ing] public debate and discussion” by restricting access to safety and security information surrounding the project. Additional vessel traffic on the Long Island Sound and...

Natural Gas Prices Impacting Louisiana

The Advocate discusses the impact of high natural gas prices on industry in the southeastern United States and specifically on the chemical industry, reporting that some companies have closed their Louisiana plants or moved to countries where inexpensive gas is available. The article also notes that only 3% of U.S. natural gas consumption is supplied by imports of LNG from countries...

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