Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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U.S. LNG Imports Decline in First Quarter

The U.S. Office of Fossil Energy is reporting that 111.43 Bcf of LNG was imported to the U.S. in the first-quarter of 2006. According to yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily, this is a marked decline in comparison to the same period in 2005, when the U.S. imported 163.68 Bcf. It also represents the smallest first-quarter imported volumes since 2003, when only three regasification...

Sparrows Point LNG Critics Set Up Office

In an attempt to increase participation in the FERC approval process for the Sparrows Point LNG plan, opponents have established an office in Dundalk, Md., where residents can obtain information about the project proposal and submit complaints that will be included in filings made to the federal agency. “It’s a long and complicated process, but we have the volunteers that...

FERC Issues FEIS for Creole Trail LNG

Creole Trail LNG’s proposed import facility will have “limited adverse environmental impact,” according to the FEIS released by FERC today. The FERC Staff says the project would be environmentally acceptable, provided that Creole Trail implements certain mitigating measures. The FEIS may be found in the FERC e-Library in Docket No....

Baton Rouge Area Chamber Supports Offshore LNG Terminals in Louisiana

The Baton Rouge Area Chamber has endorsed Freeport-McMoRan’s Main Pass Energy Hub and Shell’s Gulf Landing project, both proposed offshore Louisiana. The Chamber also supports the use of open-loop vaporizers by both import facilities, although environmentalists have expressed concern over the negative impacts the technology may have on aquatic life. Read more in The...

Warrenton Hears About State’s Role in LNG Siting

The Warrenton City Commission and Planning Commission listened Tuesday to a presentation on the legal and regulatory provisions that govern LNG facility siting, including the state’s powers to control coastal development and the possibilities for sharing security costs with the terminal developer. Yesterday’s Daily Astorian reports that Warrenton is considering...

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