Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Judge to Decide Motion for New Trial in Pelican Island Lawsuit

A judge will hear arguments June 13 on a motion for a new trial involving BP’s proposed Pelican Island LNG facility in Galveston, Texas. An attorney for a local resident and opponent of the project is seeking to overturn a March 2006 ruling that the Wharves Board did not violate state open meetings lawswhen it ratified an option agreement with BP at a meeting in February 2005. Details...

FERC Staff Tells Applicants to Save Time by Providing More Detail; Plans to Disclose More to Public

At today’s technical conference on Resource Reports 11 & 13 Guidance, FERC Staff encouraged LNG terminal developers to provide moredetailin applications and explained that, to the extent possible, prefiling submissions should be as complete as the formal application. Inviting comments on its draft guidance regarding the two resource reports, FERC Staff also requested comments...

CLNG Endorses Open-Loop Regasification Technology

In the wake of Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s veto of the offshore Main Pass LNG project, the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas has issued a press release expressing support for open-loop regasification technology. In its original proposal, Main Pass planned to use an open-loop design, which Blanco objected to because of potential harm to aquatic life caused by the technology. Bill...

Op-ed: Main Pass Terminal Would Provide Economic Boost

Freeport-McMoRan deserves support for its Main Pass LNG project because it is a local company that invests in New Orleans, according to the president of JP Morgan Chase Bank in the New Orleans region. John Kallenborn emphasizes that he lends his support as a citizen, adding that his company is not financing the project. His op-ed is in today’s...

Legislation Proposed to Rescind Weaver’s Cove Provision

Sen. Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.) on Friday, May 5, introduced legislation that would remove the provision included in the 2005 federal transportation bill that maintains the old Brightman Street Bridge over the Taunton River in Fall River. Massachusetts legislators had inserted the provision last summer in an effort to stop the Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal project. The measure is a part...

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