Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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SCAQMD Recommends LNG Imports Meet Lower Wobbe Index to Enhance Air Quality

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is urging the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt natural gas composition specifications that require large, new supplies of natural gas to meet a Wobbe Index of 1360 Btu/scf. In a letter filed by the SCAQMD in the CPUC’s current rulemaking proceeding considering the adoption of gas quality and...

Public Comment Period Ends Tomorrow for Cabrillo Port EIR

Interested parties have until tomorrow to submit to the California State Lands Commission comments on the environmental impact report issued for BHP Billiton’s Cabrillo Port LNG facility proposed for offshore California. In response to claims that the terminal may increase air pollution, the company has modified the project to include tugboats and LNG vessels that use cleaner...

Pipeline Setback May Impede Sonora Pacific LNG Project

Environmental concerns may complicate El Paso’s plans to construct a pipeline from the proposed Sonora Pacific LNG terminal in Puerto Libertad on the Gulf of California. The manager of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge near Tucson, Ariz., says the pipeline is unlikely to be approved as planned because current plans to route the pipeline through the refuge likely would have...

Op-ed: Galveston Mayoral Candidate Says Pelican Island Negotiations Were Mishandled

Mike Mehlman, a mayoral candidate in Galveston, Texas, says each candidate for mayor or city council in Galveston should take a position on the handling of negotiations between the Wharves Board and BP, which resulted in a long-term lease to BP for the site of its proposed Pelican Island LNG terminal. Mehlman says the Wharves Board and city council should have considered safety issues...

Maine Official Unsure if Proposed LNG Sites Can Accommodate Piers

An official with the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands has expressed doubt over whether the proposed sites for the Quoddy Bay and Downeast LNG terminals can accommodate the long piers necessary for LNG vessels to dock. “Given the length of Maine’s coastline and the shallow depth and narrow waterway at the proposed site relative to the navigation and berthing requirements for...

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