Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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New Brunswick Premier Voices Concern Over Maine LNG Projects

The premier of New Brunswick reiterated his opposition to the LNG terminals proposed for the Maine side of Passamaquoddy Bay, adding that Irving Oil and Repsol’s Canaport LNG facility in St. John would eliminate the need for the Maine projects once construction is complete. Bernard Lord made his remarks at Friday’s 30th Conference of New England Governors and Eastern...

Malibu City Council Finances Fight Against Cabrillo Port LNG Project

The Malibu Times reports that the Malibu City Council has committed $50,0000 to the Environmental Defense Center’s opposition of BHP Billiton’s Cabrillo Port LNG facility. In addition, a local activist has pledged to match donations dollar-for-dollar “until we raise a quarter-million dollars” to help the California Coastal Protection Network hire lawyers...

Local Resident Approves of Blanco’s Veto

A Times-Picayune reader agrees with Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s veto of the Main Pass LNG project, saying that the state should take measures to protect its environment.

LNG Suppliers Say Stricter Gas Quality Standards May Limit LNG Shipments

A coalition of LNG suppliers have filed briefings at FERC expressing concern with a FERC judge’s ruling that, if adopted by the Commission, would impose stricter gas quality standards for all LNG entering Florida Gas Transmission’s distribution system. The suppliers told the Commission that the limits may hinder U.S. ability to compete for Atlantic Basin LNG supply. Sempra...

Attorney Opposing Sparrows Point LNG Asks AES to Abandon Project

The Baltimore Sun reports that a lawyer representing local opponents of the proposed Sparrows Pont LNG facility has asked developer AES to withdraw its proposal, calling it “ill-conceived.” Bart S. Fisher also asked BWI Sparrows Point LLC, which owns the Sparrows Point shipyard where the AES facility would be located, to postpone an unrelated dredging project until a...

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