Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline to File FERC Application for Proposed Pipeline Expansion

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has filed an application with FERC for its Maritimes Phase IV project, an expansion of its pipeline system proposed for transporting natural gas from the Canaport LNG facility in Nova Scotia to Northeastern U.S. markets. The proposal calls for the addition of 1.7 miles of pipeline in Maine, construction of five compressor stations, and design...

LNG Developers Plan to Meet Long-Term Energy Needs Despite Decrease in Imports

The Wall Street Journal says that despite a drop in LNG spot cargos reaching the United States in recent months due to a mild winter and excess stored supply that may adequately fulfill peak consumer demand this summer, LNG developers intend to participate in all aspects of the supply chain to accommodate long-term energy needs. “Neither the weather nor the level of storage...

FERC Official Criticizes Political Attempts to Thwart U.S. LNG Development

Emphasizing that the United States particularly needs increased natural gas supplies the next two winters prior to several new LNG import terminals coming online, FERC’s Director of the Office of Energy Projects Mark Robinson criticized politicians who often oppose LNG development in order to protect the public from a perceived, but not necessarily real harm. Speaking at the...

Canaport LNG Selects Contractors for Terminal Development

Ocean Resources today reports that Canaport LNG has awarded two Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts for the onshore and offshore development of its 1.2 Bcf/d LNG facility proposed for Nova Scotia. The news follows yesterday’s announcement that Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline filed with FERC an application for the expansion of a gas transmission line from the...

Analysts Provide Insight Into U.S. Spot Market

An increase in natural gas prices and a move away from long-term contracts could create a more active LNG spot market, according to two energy industry insiders. Karen Harbert, the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at the Department of Energy, says higher prices would attract more cargos to U. S. markets. An executive advisor to Hess Energy Trading, Ed Morse,...

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